Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tiger, Tiger, Tiger.

By now everyone and their brother knows more than they probably intended to on the never-ending Tiger Woods saga. You simply can't escape it.

The latest push has been that we need to forgive him and give him his privacy. This makes my head hurt. First off, I haven't heard anyone demand that Elin and the kids forgive him. They have the right to be mad at him... and so do his fans. For years, he's trotted around the world collecting green jackets, trophies, and massive paychecks. He did all of this while pretending to be holier than holy so that we would feel more comfortable with him and buy the products he endorsed. He made money off of an image that was false. He looked like the family man and America and the rest of the world ate it up.

Now, I know you're going to say what he's going through is a private matter, and it is, but there are a different set of rules when you are a public figure. No one is creeping in his house late at night and stealing items and selling them on ebay. Everything is free information that is damning him. The one thing he, and his agent and marketing team will never understand, is the monster they have created. They made him a billion dollar icon. They put his face everywhere. They got us addicted to him. And now they are saying... well just keep being addicted to the products and the good things about him. Sorry. It doesn't work like that. We are America and the one thing we are addicted to is conflict. It is the center of entertainment. We don't watch TV shows where everyone likes each other. We like fighting and resolution and chaos and competition. That's why sports teams play each other. That's why they don't just hand Tiger the trophy every week. He has to go out and face competition and conflict and come away above the rest. He has to take the good with the bad.

One of the large problems with this country and a money driven society is that just like the banks, we have made him, "Too Big To Fail" and right now he's failing. He and his marketing team went above and beyond to make America place Tiger Woods on a pedestal and they succeeded. They have to live with this mess they've created. Yes companies are going to drop him. And they should. He's a liability to their profit. They can't whine and moan and say "but he's Tiger Woods." Now, he's just like everyone else. Tiger has always dominated the competition when he was playing with a lead. He doesn't fair as well when playing from behind. They have to face that.

When Tiger released his statement from the car accident, he said that Elin was heroic and the media was "irresponsible." He lied about Elin and as usual deflected the blame.

I'm not saying we can't forgive Tiger. I'm not saying he's an awful person. We need to look at this situation as a whole. Tiger created an image to sell products. That image turned out to be contradictory. The media's job is to inform the public. Tiger sold products. Media sells news. Tiger made news. Calls media irresponsible.

We aren't going to forgive, unless Tiger can forgive Tiger. He has to come to grips with what he's done and address it to those he asks for forgiveness.

The one question that still irks me is that... we can forgive and we can turn the other cheek and whatever saying you want to go by, but when it comes down to it, would Tiger Woods really care about asking for your forgiveness if he wasn't already trying to sell you a product?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Let's End All The Hooplah.

You heard it here, the 12th of May. Brett Favre will play in 2009 and for the Vikings. This is just a whole song and dance to draw interest and avoid some offseason training. He knew this when he signed with the Jets. He wanted to go to the Vikings and worked out a backroom deal for them to release him if and when he retired. They would then no longer be obligated to give anything in return to the Packers if he ended up in the NFC North. Shocker!!!

So if there's anyone out there looking for a straight answer on Favre, take a Rip Van Winkle size nap until about the end of June - early July. Wake up, have an eggo, and then go online and get your Favre Vikings jersey and prepare for the Super Bowl run.

Al Franken, if you're reading, do the same. You won't be seated as Senator until around the same time.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

John Madden Says He's Done

John Madden called it quits over the weekend retiring from broadcasting football games. All I have to say is... Finally! Thank God!

As a football freak and a long time lover of those who can communicate their knowledge and experience to others, I have to say I don't care who fills his shoes, bring back Dennis Miller or throw in Jillian Barbarie, hell put Elisabeth Hasselbeck in there. The only person I don't want in there is Bush. My reason isn't political by any means. Simply put, the only person I can equate Madden to is Bush. I have never seen anyone butcher a subject they should know everything about like the two of them.

There should be a book out there with Maddenisms. -Now ya see, he's runnin' this way real fast so they don't catch him, but they want to catch him cause he has the ball, and really it's about who's the fastest or can get in the way of the fastest guy, cause it's a game of inches and yards and people who are fast or can stop fastness. I made that up, but you get the point. And who does it sound like... Shame on me... Shame on... Can't get fooled again.

Whose idea was it to let them speak in front of large groups?

And the sickness of the media slobbering all over him [Madden] like he's done something great. He's won one Super Bowl and didn't know how to do anything else in life but talk about football... and not very well at that.

Yes, his video game is the one of the most popular out there, but come on let's be honest, did he invent the game or just sign a contract for the use of his image and likeness? Oh how hard that must be. What an immaculate human being.

I wish someone in the sports entertainment stream of the media would speak out and question the idea of his greatness. Or better yet, quit talking about him altogether.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Big Ups to UPS

In a bit of lighter news, that makes me proud of something done in this country, (I get it, I'm a little negative) the people have spoken.

All too often, the country of the people, by the people, and for the people doesn't act accordingly. I recently watched the movie Milk, where people found a cause, stood behind it, and made a difference. They formed a movement, produced change at the time, and changed the way we see things today.

The sad part is that took place in the '70's and people don't do that anymore. There aren't sit-ins, protests, and marches like there use to be. Hence, we see less change and the power of the government doesn't protect the people who got them there, it protects special interests and re-election.

It's not a surprise how we ended up in our current situation.

A female blogger, exercised her right to free speech, and spoke her opinion on Bill O'Reilly's insensitivity to rape. The insensitive idea runs along the line that because of the way a woman dresses, she deserves to be raped and is somehow asking for it.

So she spoke out against him and he sent his henchmen to do his dirty work because obviously if he had done it himself he could be seen as the bad person in the situation. So to keep ratings up, he sent two men to harass and intimidate her.

The blogger who wrote about him is part of the group Think Progress. They gathered together and hit him where it hurt. They brought to the attention to of one his sponsors, UPS, his actions and to have them pull their ads from his programming and UPS did so. Story here.

Here is the message UPS put out.
"Thank you for sending an e-mail expressing concern about UPS advertising during
the Bill O’Reilly show on FOX News. We do consider such comments as we review ad
placement decisions which involve a variety of news, entertainment and sports
programming. At this time, we have no plans to continue advertising during this

This was a peaceful and effective means to find resolution. This is the magnitude the voice of the people should have. This is what needs to happen with our politicians, advertisements, and celebrities who take things too far.

Bill has his right to an opinion and so did the Blogger that expressed hers. The problem is the bully mentality and intimidation that pursued. I'm not saying Bill should be exiled, but the idea that he, and most high profile personnel, can inimidate others for the expression of their first amendment right, is reprehensible.

The EGO and nerve of those in the higher ranks must be hit and hit where it hurts. It should not be tolerated. They are not above the people whose voices they represent and who pay their salaries. The 'voice of the people' needs to speak louder and more often if this country is to see any real change.

The American people have been held down far too long, and for any of those participating on behalf of The Smear Machine, you need to bring into question the idea that if THE PEOPLE don't deserve to be heard, can you really say we are living in a free country?

WOW! What a SHAM!

The ShamWow guy, you know from TV who peddles the super absorbant orange towels that clean everything, got into it with a hooker.

Apparently he and her went up to his room and weren't on the same page. The report reveals they began kissing and she bit his tongue and wouldn't let go. So he gave her a slap/chop (also the name of his other prouduct) in the face and they both ended up in the pokey for attempting paid-for-pokey.

The first question is what did he use to clean up his bloody tongue... gotta practice what you preach and use your own product, right?

Second question, how do people get themselves into these situations? He's the ShamWow guy, the number one infomercial product, and he can't get chicks on his own. He has to hire them?

I haven't bought anything I've seen in an infomercial and this will definitely continue my streak. Shady people selling shady products and somehow they are all free shipping and twenty dollars. Can't be a scam, can it? In this case, it's a sham.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Doctor Tweets During Surgery?

Sooner or later all of this is going to come to a head. I'm with Keith Olberman on this one... Twitter is 'one of the worst persons in the world.'

A new video shows a behind-the-scenes scenario with a Doctor using Twitter while also performing brain surgery. You know that line people are always saying to calm you down because you think they need to be a little more serious... I think it goes something like, 'It's not brain surgery.' Need I say more.

We are not using techonology responsibly anymore. Kids text during class, our medical records and all other data are going digital, and now we take a little bit of time off (while a man's head is cut open) to do a little twitter time. Tweet, tweet! Money in my pocket. Brain on the floor.

I was cool with the medical records being digital for like five seconds and then Sarah Palin's email was hacked. Close to being #2 in power and someone else is sifting through her friendly exchanges on moose killings.

It will be a fun arguement with your doctor when he tells you, 'you need your tonsils out' and they've already been taken out once. 'Well, but, you see, that's what your chart says.' What a fun little gag joke on someone. While your jacking their file, change their blood type, family history, and height. You'll wake up one day and see a drug commercial asking you, 'Does your blood type, family history, and height ever change? Ask your doctor if yourfilesbeenhackedatrin is right for you. (see what I did there. It's not a real pill. Real pills have an 'X' or a 'Z' in the name. That was like a joke.)

Where was I? Oh yeah, Tweet.

In this video, the explanation is to give students more of an interactive, hands on approach. I think a normal person would take that as hands on the brain and medical equipment, NOT THE KEYBOARD.

Your new doctor, the young one with the good personality, comes HIGHLY recommended. Oh, they've never really done anything like they're going to do to you, but they have over two years in Twitter residency.

Yippy! Slice me open.

Let the lawsuits begin.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Rihanna Receives Another Hit On Chris Brown's Behalf

First she reported that he abused her (photographic evidence) then she tells police you can't keep us apart and nothing really happened. Pick one or the other. Police have better things to do.

This only goes to show that celebrities are just as stupid as the rest of us. They just have more opportunities to do so.

Her career may be in jeopardy from the situation at hand. Chris Brown was yanked from the Kids Choice Awards. She even has Oprah against her on this. Oprah. Once she has spoken against you... well, you're done. So what do you think would be the best thing for Rihanna to do?

A. Release a statement about your split from him and quit defending him.
B. Get Oprah back on your side and do the talk show tour explaining your struggle and how you are an empowered woman and he is toast.
C. Record a sentimental/semimental duet with your abuser.
D. Shave your head, go home, throw all your blankets on the front yard, burn them, and blow every dollar you have on snuggies.

She chose C. and recorded a duet with him. If her career wasn't jeopardized before, now she most certainly will be questioned and dropped from events and commercials. The goal is to move the women's movement forward not backward.

Kick him out from under your Umbrella-ella-ella and get your head out of your a**.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Two Cavemen Are Thinking About Walking Into A Bar...

This is a text from a friend's phone. Reader beware.

Whats up?
Nothing. What about you?
Thats cool. Nothing.
What r u doing latr?
No idea. Kinda tired.
Thats cool.
What about you?
Feel like doing something. Might go out.
Wanna go with?
No idea.
Cool. Yeah. Lets go.
The length of this texting was more than ten minutes - could have been a one minute phone call. Ten minutes gone and what was figured out. Nothing. This is basically a script from 'The Hills.' But in the meantime we learned what was cool, right? (insert vomit noise)
This is what the world of 3G networks and texting is creating - an irresponsible use of technology to distract people from their real lives. Maybe mankind isn't made to survive for much longer. (check out the movie Idiocracy.)
(the first time I've ever used those acronyms like for serious totally)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


One of the lead stories on Yahoo! is about how Obama uses the teleprompter too much lately.;_ylt=AqMCHy9F.KUVsepVXMhwz54DW7oF

The Stimulus
Health Care
Climate Change
The War
The Economy
The Dow
The Mortgage Meltdown
The Tele--

Are you kidding me? Do you think he might have some other things on his mind other than learning every word of every speech verbatim.

I had friends that use to say Bush had a lot to deal with and we should cut him some slack. Where did that mentality go? Either cut Obama some slack or jump on Bush for not using the teleprompters when he did that whole "There's a saying in Texas, Shame on you....ah ah and you can't get fooled again." With or without teleprompters, there will not be enough material to fill an entire book of Obamaisms.

Obama is giving his full attention to the bigger picture. You know what Bush did when things got hard -- he took a vacation to the ranch. He was on vacation 1 year out of 8 -- ONE FULL YEAR. I fear for Obama's life if he is ever caught on a golf course or sitting down for a while when we are under attack. But I digress.

Getting back to the bigger picture, the country is in the flusher. I get it. But does that mean we have to ignore what is going on and divert our attention to wasting time? News programs spend time on user comments via Facebook and the #1 story on Countdown with Keith Olberman dealt with the fact that Obama's hair has started showing some gray. The #1 story.

Are you kidding me??? Can we get some f------ news around here???

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We Interrupt Normal News Programming...

Throughout the day, I'll grab a snack and watch TV for fifteen to twenty minutes. Normally, I'll check the news and see what's going on. Checking the news comes with an expectation - that they will present the news.

I watched a few minutes of CNN today and Rick Sanchez just read different user comments sent in and also on user facebook pages. This went on until a commercial break and then some more afterwards. I came back an hour or two later - same channel, same content, different commentator.

I want to know what is going on in the world. That's what your programming is for. It's not to surf facebook and read people's status. I can do that on my own time. I can't get journalists to come to my house and tell me everything they know. I need a news channel to do that for me. I don't care about random people and their opinions across the country. I want reactions and analysis from professionals.

I know the average person in their job gets less and less done each day due to breaks on facebook, myspace, twitter, and whatever else. I can accept that. I CAN NOT accept people getting paid huge sums of money to present the news to do the same. Check facebook on your own time or on commercial breaks - just give me friggin' news and quit dumbing down America.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Short Distance Phone Calls?

At the casino with my friend, we watched something we hadn't yet seen before.

A couple, rich and snobby, blanketed in top tier clothing and holding martinis, paced back and forth through the middle isle of tables. What I can only assume was a difference of opinion between them, sparred erratic behavior. The male took the wad of gum from his mouth and shoved it into her's to inhibit her ability to speak. Words were exchanged and they split up, him staying put and her walking away - not sure what happened with the gum.

It was merely seconds later that he pulled out his phone and dialed. The casino was pretty busy that night so their debacle dissolved into the rest of the room and if you weren't watching from the begining you wouldn't have noticed them. He continued to gesture as if someone was watching him, which of course she was. He twisted the phone so that only the bottom was near his face and he screamed into it. The girl came pacing back over and she did the same. Now other people started watching.

If I've lost any of you, these two ended up standing about two feet apart screaming at each other by cell phone, with the ear pieces of the phones nowhere near their faces. They continued arguing this way for another minute or so and then when they were finished shut their flip phones and split up again.

Obviously, it would have been simpler to just argue face to face, without cellular technology, but not for these two. Gotta find a way to use up all those minutes.

I guess the only thing one can take from this is that money doesn't solve problems, cell phones don't solve problems, and neither does sharing your gum. My faith in humanity is hanging by a thread.

Gotta go. Cell phone's ringing.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Stupid Reward

If you were ever wondering why our entire country is headed down the flusher, I can tell you why - we reward stupidity.

An example. Quick, anyone, name who won this year's Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. Anyone, anyone? Bueller? That's what I thought. These are awards for the smartest of the smart. People changing the way we think and do things... for the better.

On the other hand, we have reality shows that exploit people's intelligence and hunger for fame, while paying them very little and giving them their 15 minutes, albeit an embarrassing 15 minutes. Every channel is jumping on board with dumber and dumber programming each year. The Bachelor became Rock of Love and some other dumb shows. Shows where something actually happened became The Hills and The City. Whitney has a short skirt on today and new boy trouble - thirty minutes, gone. Can't wait for the next episode. I bet she'll wear pants.

Joe the Plumber (neither a Joe or a plumber) shot to star-"dumb" because he couldn't understand what Obama was explaining to him about taxes. Mccain lost the election and where is Joe now... a war correspondent. He now has another job title that he doesn't actually do, or is, or is he even still named Joe?

To get to the real reason of how we reward stupidity, I just have to say "Octamom." A woman who has six kids, basically living on student loans and disability, absolutely no thoughts on the future, decides she needs to more than double her child count. She needed more... and faster. Which leads me to wonder, does she have friends? Shouldn't there have been someone there to say, "No more. You have enough. You aren't going to beat Angelina." Was there no one there to say it?

She went out of her way to have eight more. She said it was God's plan. She needed a donor. Let's think about this rationally. Maybe her inability to have children naturally or one at a time was God's way of telling her something. NO MORE KIDS! Lady, it's a vagina, NOT a clown car!

She hired a publicist, who falls into the same area as Joe the Plumber, begging the question is she actually a publicist. I've haven't seen someone freeze on TV and bumble around easy questions like that since Sarah Palin. Small world... everything connects here.

This mother of 14, for now, has made her rounds on the Today Show, Dr. Phil, and more. Why is this important programming to watch? Because she has psychological issues that can be exploited. We don't have to think. We can just sit back and laugh. I mean as long as you only have 13 kids you're better off than her, right?

Smart people don't really make the headlines or appear on TV. Throw out news shows and documentary shows and there is no sign of three digit intelligence on TV, and if there is, it's barely three digits.

We don't want to think. We don't want to read. We want to watch others try to think and stutter when they read. Which leads to the final question: Are they the stupid ones or are we?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Nothing Like Some Homegrown Nuts

A Missouri man couldn't get his DTV converter box on his TV to work so guess what he did... he shot the TV.

Now there are two sad facts I have to admit. I'm from Missouri and this isn't the first time I've been ashamed to admit that.

Back around the election, when everyone talked about the East and West coast elite and how the middle of the country is just meant to fly over and they think we're a bunch of idiots, this is a reason why. Most people, I'd assume, would keep trying to get it to work or call in a smarter person to help. What do our folk do, we pull our firearm from the recliner's holster and show that TV who's boss. Luckily, no other TV's were hurt in this situation.

I don't want to debate whether or not to get rid of " The Right to Bear Arms" but shouldn't you at least have to pass some kind of IQ test to own a gun. It doesn't have to be complex. Just with simple questions like, what do you do if you can't achieve an erection...
A) Call a doctor
B) Stare at it and hope for the best
C) Shoot it in the face

I never thought I'd be around for something like this - I was wrong.

Just so I don't end up with a lawsuit, the answer to the question above is not "C" and anyone that picks "B" should also try "A" just, a different kind of doctor.