Thursday, March 18, 2010

Walmart: Everyday Low Standards

"Attention, Walmart customers: All black people, leave the store now."

Those were the exact words heard over the PA system in a New Jersey Walmart.

Walmart's always been the store that had everything - including racism.

Now you can get a cheap sweater on aisle six, a bucket to poop in on aisle nine, and racial remarks over the loud speaker.

They can say this was an accident, but do you think there would ever come a time when they said: "Attention, Walmart customers: All current stock holders, get the fuck out!"

In 2006, Walmart's website recommended that the audience which liked DVD's like Introducing Dorothy Dandridge and documentaries on Martin Luther King Jr. would also like Planet of the Apes.


Their website has a section on diversity. It reads:

"Diversity and Inclusion are enduring values embedded into our culture. From our board of directors to our associates and customers, these values are fundamental to both our business and mission of saving people money so they can live better."

We have to believe them right... I mean it says it right there on their web page.

Where can I sign up. I can work full time for $10.84 an hour --- $19,165 a year. That number doesn't include health care and also is $2000 below the Federal Poverty Line for a family of four.

Their slogan: "Save money, live better."


THEY SAVE MONEY, THEY LIVE BETTER. Everyone else gets bent over.

Walmart CEO Lee Scott made $29.7 million last year. (1551 times the average worker at Walmart)

They save money - not paying their employees a living wage, covering only half their workers on health care, costing taxpayers $400,000 per community per year for public assistance programs, avoided paying $2.3 BILLION in state income taxes between 1999-2005, and their presence drives down wages and increases poverty in communities.

And we all know where people living in poverty shop right.... WALMART.

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