Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Slippery Slope

I love watching crazy people say crazy things just as much as the next person, but the actions stemming from the passage of the Health Care Bill are just acts of lunacy.

A pastor in Orange County is calling for "death prayers" for the Democrats that supported the bill.

There's this PSALM 109:8 movement dropping Biblical code to put Obama's head on a stick.

I love loopholes. They're American. There's nothing better than writing off 18 holes and lunch as a business expense. But, wasn't there something written in stone about 'Thou Shall Not Kill.'

Has this country become so crazy for loopholes, that while on trial, people will swear upon the good book and then say,

"Uh, your Honor, it says nothing about... you can't pray for people to die. So I asked my Lord and Savior to do it... and when he didn't, I just went ahead and did it myself... I'd like to plead the Second Amendment... and since you all didn't let me bring my gun in here... that's why I wore a sleeveless shirt."

These people act so dedicated to their religious beliefs and abandon them as soon as FOX News tells them to do so.

Glenn Beck is gonna come on and say that he has a different Bible, one that the liberals haven't tainted, and it says God shall covet those who bear arms against bureaucrats and democrats and they shall inherit a million gold bars and unlimited beer in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Health Care passed. The stock market didn't crash. The sky didn't fall.

Nothing has changed in this country. You know how I know --- Rush Limbaugh is still here.

It's Health Care.

It's not HEALTH ---steal your guns and take 'In God We Trust' off the money--- CARE.

Can you imagine if it was?

Sarah Palin would call this country RETARDED, the Northeast would flood from Glenn Beck's tears, and Rush Limbaugh would move to Mexico to become their new drug lord.

It's Health Care. Calm down. Keep your shit in your pants.

This is America. We don't negotiate with terrorists. That includes both foreign and domestic.

It's not blue state/red state anymore. This isn't a little friendly jabbing. This is a slippery slope to domestic terrorism.

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